Friday, December 31, 2010

Tonight is New Years Eve

Tonight is New Years Eve. And while many of people make resolutions of diet, exercise, budgeting, organizing etc. Mine is a very different one. This coming year is going to be a long and hard one. Consisting of many firsts. Not the kind you usually celebrate. Ours will not be firsts with Mackinley. They will be firsts without her. But, with the bad we always have a choice. We can choose to find the good. To "Stop seeking out the storms of life and enjoy the sunlight." SO that is my goal. To take each day after she passes onhe at a time and reflect in the joy that she has brought to my family, and the lessons she has taught. Even though I am 7 months pregnant and we have not met face to face, she has already taught our family soo much. SO I will strive to take joy in the blessing it has and will always be to have as a part of our family. Even though it may only be a short time on earth, we are blessed to have a beautiful baby girl that will be waiting for us in the eternities. Where there will be no pain, or sorrow. She will be whole and happy. So when the hard days come my new years goal is to get on my knees and thank my loving Heavenly Father for the blessing of an angel baby and 3 beautiful children, and all of the hands and hearts that have and will continue to reach out to us. One of the greatest lessons to learn is to accept from those around you. And so while heartache and tears will come and the days may seem dark. I can choose the road I travel, that doesn't mean I have to be strong all the time. But, the test is how we deal with the situations we are placed in. And I can be bitter or I can be grateful. How many people are soo lucky as to have an angel baby waiting for them. What a blessing Mackinley is and always will be. Happy New Year.

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