Sunday, December 12, 2010

The world CRASHED down

I was just finishing up my lunch break when my cell rang. The call said restricted, so I almost didn't answer it. SOmetimes I wish I wouldn't have. It was the nurse from the doctors office. She said to me, "There are some complications with your ultrasound. We have made you an appointment for this Friday at 11am at the Makay-Dee Maternal Fetal Medicine clinic." She mentioned something about clubbed feet and they couldn't find the kidney's and the baby was 3 weeks behind in size.
Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints (LDS/Mormon) We believe the priesthood has been restored and my husband gave me a blessing. I knew then we would not keep this baby for this life.
My world came crashing down. I called my husband at work told him we had to go to Ogden on Friday and there are problems. And in walked my 1st grade P.E. class. I couldn't stay I couldn't quit crying. And so I left for the day and spent the remainder of the day numb. The next two days and the drive to Ogden took forver and at the same time came all too soon. What came next no parent can ever be ready for.

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