I decided to instead ask him to give me a blessing. Usually these are very personal and I don't share But this one was a miracle to me and I want to have it to remember. So i am going to share. I have worried alot about how I will cope when the time comes. How I will grieve and still be mom to the 3 beautiful children that I have here with me. HE blessed me that even though there will be sad days I will be able to do the things I need to do to take care of my children. The peace that came to me was instant. It was as thought my Savior was standing next to me telling me "Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you. All will be well. When you are too weak I will carry you and what you have will be enough. It will still be hard but through our trials we are refined, and she will be waiting for you, and knows how much you love her." I was also blessed with sleep and I slept like I slept before I was pregnant. So while I know we will return Mackinley to the arms of her Heavenly Father miracles abound. And for that I am thankful. Mackinley doesn't need a miracle SHE IS THE MIRACLE sent to our family to help us learn and grow.
(attached are some pics of a beautiful blanket and head bands made for Mackinley by my wonderful friend Alisha...THANK YOU)
you are a rock! Heavenly Father knows how wonderful you are and is blessing you every day!