Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our Prayers are Answered

Monday March 7th, 2011 our little angel MAckinley Ann Koyle returned home to her Heavenly Father. After spending all night in the hospital and taking a pill every three hours to help my labor go faster my body went into labor on it's own. As we have gone through this there have been many small miracles. The nurse gave me an extra pill, a blessing from Heaven. The doctor was worried that the pitocin would make my contractions to hard on Mackinley so the extra pill made me n ot need any pitocin at all. Because MAckinley was bottom first-breech they were hoping to deliver her in the fluid sack to prevent the possibility of her becoming stuck in the birth canal. At 12:00 pm Dr Dowdle came in and said I was fully dialated. At that point I didn't feel the need to push. At about 12:15 the nurse came inn and I told her I needed to push. This had to be the most terrifying moment of my life. I knew that while pushing would give Mackinley to us it would also take her away. And so at 12:20 I began pushing. Because of MAckinley's condition I had excessive fluid, and while they had hoped that my bag would stay intact it ruptered. You would have thought someone had just dumped a 5 gallon bucket on the floor. The blessings continued to abound after 7 minutes of pushing and manuvering Mackinley she delivered breech without a single problem. Her proud daddy cut the cord as she lay on my chest. Her heartrate dropped from 129 to 80. And as we knew there would be moments where she would not breath we just held her and loved her. She took 4 small cries and at 12:52 her heart stopped beating. Her birth certificate says she lived 15 minutes but I knew she was with us for longer then that. Her spirit stayed long enough for everyone that came to feel of her presence. I remember the moment someone was holding her and they gave her back to me and I knew she was gone. And it was okay. We have spent the last 6 months praying for the opportunity to hold her so she could feel our love, and that was what we received. And so while I willl always miss her I am okay because I know she is waiting for me, and she is whole and knws how much we love her. And I will thank my heavenly Father for every second I was able to have her in my arms, and to see the pride on Jared's face as held our beautiful baby girl.


  1. I truly am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful child. Mackinley Ann is a beautiful baby girl with a beautiful name. I pray you are healing well from the physical labor. I pray you feel God's presence and He holds you through this season of grief. We are praying for you all.

    Be blessed

  2. I'm so glad you were able to love on her in this life, Kassey. You're in my heart and prayers.

  3. What blessing she is. Love you Kassey

  4. Dear Kassey,
    I know you do not know who I am, but I had heard of your little MaKinley and then saw the obituary....I cried. Now, as I have been reading your blog...again the tears fall freely.
    Your strength and your knowledge is felt by a complete stranger.
    I am grateful you had the opportunity to hold and love on that special little angel from our Father in heaven.
    May you feel the prayers of those you know and do not know as you honor your precious daughter and family.
    With deepest symapathy,
    Burley, Idaho

  5. Kassey,
    I hope you do not mind I mentioned your blog on my blog today.
    I have been humbled by your testimony.

  6. Kassey,
    You don't know me, either, but I feel like I know you. We have a mutual friend, Jenny Seal, who I heard about you from.
    I cannot even imagine what you're going through. The heartache would be unbearable to me. You've been so strong through all of this, and I admire you for it. When I received news that Mackinley had passed, I cried. I read your blog, and cried some more. What a sweet baby girl. I'm so glad that you got to spend what little time you did with her. You were already amazing parents to her even before she was born. Now she is not suffering, and will never know any pain. I suppose that's one thing that makes me a little less sad, as I hope it does to you, too.
    Thank you for your story of unconditional love, it really has touched me in a way that you could not even imagine.
    God bless,
