A loss is a hard thing no matter what. And with it there is pain that comes and goes. Few things besides the gospel can bring true peace. And even then there are times when I really have to seek to overcome the sorrow It requires a faith that for me has to be sought after as it tends to come and go. But when the pain brings me to my knees before my Heavenly father there are always the same things that come to my mind....1."In the spirit world, the spirits of the righteous " are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they rest from all their troubles and from all care and sorrow." (True to the Faith and Alma 40:12)2. Having true faith in Jesus Christ....means believing that even hough you do not understand all things, He does. Remember that because He has experienced all your pains, afflictions,and infirmities, He knows how to help you rise above your daily afflictions."(True to the Faith)
3. D&C 121:7-8"... peace be unto thy soul; thins adversities and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment.
And then if thou endure it well God shall exhalt thee on high....
So while sometimes these "moments" of adversity feel as thou they will last a lifetime...there is no other choice but to endure