Thursday, December 30, 2010

Enough to give

It seems that when I lay down to sleep at night I think of all sorts of things to type on the blog but when I wake up in the morning they are all gone. I only have eleven weeks left if I go the full forty. Which I haven't done with any of my kids. So I am thinking she will arrive in about 9 weeks I she makes it to delivery. The thing that amazes me the most is the love that my other children have for her already. They always bless her in their prayers, and constantly want to talk to her whether it be saying good morning or good night. I have decided that the first day jared has off I am going to have him take a picture of them doing this so we have it to remember. Jordyn talks about "Kinley" but i know down the road all she will remember of her little sister is what we tell her. So we need to capture as many memories for her as we can. The other day I tried to sit Jordyn in her high chair she said "no. baby chair for Kinley." They love her so much. And I am often concerned about how I will help them cope with the loss of their sister while trying to cope myself. Will I have enough to give.

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